Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Hello friends:

Fall and back to school. One of my new favorite HGTV programs is a creative great couple
from Waco, Texas  Love their show and their family. Please see her facebook page and blog for
ideas on "back to school" transition for kids and parents.  Every moment counts, kids grow up so
fast and I agree in slowing a bit to enjoy these years, before we realize it they will be gone to college and beyond.
blog-4via "magnolia homes"

have a great Tuesday,


Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday, August 1, 2014

Eye candy Inspiration

Love Sara Richardson organization for her cottage, don't you, just go to Staples and get
some labels, jars are from Walmart and there it is, sooooo good.

Great bedroom, love the green and light blue!!!!
The Holiday movie cottage library AD

This Library is a dream.  You might remember the movie: Its Magical, courtesy of
Hooked on Houses.

I love books the more the better, an old oriental, a good chair, a throw, an old table and I'm happy.
You can see the entire house from the movie at "Hooke on Houses blog"

Hope you are inspired, I'm working on two projects, pictures tomorrow, almost done.

Enjoy and write a comment, love your comments,
